Airclubs are generally referred to as so-called DTO, which stands for Declared Training organisations. Click on the link and get directed to the list available on the French CAA - DGAC - website.
Professional qualifications are provided by ATO - Approved Taining Organisations. An updated list is available online on the French CAA - DGAC - website.
En France, le site de la FFPLUM rassemble les coordonnées de tous les aéroclubs d'ULM. Les cartes des terrains sont aussi disponibles.
Cette carte interactive sponsorisée par la FFA recense l'ensemble des aéroclubs Avion, les localise et vous permet de les contacter.
Located in the middle of Poland, this human-scaled organization stands out by its ability to meet tight schedules and provide cost-efficient trainings with a hight standard of quality.
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